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BBI funds many R&D projects, this page highlights some of the most interesting:

BBI has been working to develop new mobile computing and communication devices, because people are willing to spend outrageous amounts of money for them. Engineering Senior Vice President Roger Randall has spent many hours developing our latest product, the BBIberry! Click here for the details.


The new Bill Birchler is now 20 weeks into the gestation period and is doing great, we have exclusive pictures of the development so Click here to see them!


BBI Labs researchers Tom and Melanie Birchler have been very busy in the lab the last few months with the goal of creating a new Bill Birchler, who will be destined to lead the company well into the future. We are proud to announce that the project has produced excellent results! The latest test results show the baby is doing great and is right on schedule to be born next March. Click here to see the results of our latest tests!


BBI has always been working hard to understand the human condition, and looking for insights on how to make products to improve our customers' lives. We have recently been doing research on how various activities affect sets of identical twins. Click here for information on our latest research.


We at BBI Labs decided to use our funding to develop products for the fashion industry. We had no expertise in this area, but we thought it would be a good way to meet women. Our efforts were not very successful, so none of the products ever made it into production - and we still could not get a date. Click here to at least view some of the fashion photos


BBI has many bio-engineering projects in progress, as has been documented below. Due to the latest disaster in Asia, we have stepped up the progress of our genetic experiments in developing food sources in order to feed the masses who desperately need it. The item below shows how BBI is working hard to help the tsunami refugees.

BBI is doing so well and the management team is so busy, we decided to purchase a company jet. But since Bill Birchler has always been reluctant to fly, a compromise was made and we purchased a company blimp and the team is flying in style! See the photo below.

BBI is working on new snow removal technology. Our first idea is putting retired golfers back to work in the off season. See the results below, so far our efforts seem to be working,  stay tuned for an announcement of our new service offering!

BBI is involved with many bio-engineering projects, one is to develop the perfect household animal!

So far the project has been a failure, but we have made another attempt with the subject animal below:

Don't worry - here at the BBI laboratory, we do not waste any of our resources!