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Marine Products Page


BBI has been working hard to develop the latest in PWC docking, and we are proud to show our latest offering. The latest product was developed under the careful scrutiny of Management Team members Roger Randall and David Sundstrom. Click here to see it!

Here at BBI Marine Products, we are under constant pressure to create innovative products in an very competitive market. So we are always looking for ways to keep our prices lower than our competition, and provide better value to our shareholders. For details of how we can do this, please click here.


At BBI, we don't make the Personal Watercraft (PWC)

BBI Makes the PWC better!

The BBI Marine Products team is hard at work building a prototype of what Bill Birchler calls the "Boat of the Future".  A sneak peak of this is shown below, the new boat is the one on the left:

Below is a photo of the last time the BBI Marine Products PWC was known to be in operation...before it was cruelly destroyed. For more information, see the Special News page.