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The Bill Birchler 2.0 project is now 9 months old and he just celebrated his first Christmas. Below are some pictures from all the festivities!

A picture of Emma

Austin posing next to the tree

Alex decked out in his UVA outfit

Bill and Alex in front of the tree

Bill relaxing before the holidays

A picture of the whole family!

Melanie and Molly

Uncle Randy with Bill on Christmas Eve

Billy opening his Christmas presents

Austin with his new pogo stick

The Rivoire Women - Mitzi, Carol, Melanie and Tonja

All the kids on Christmas Eve, waiting to open presents

Billy's running out of steam on Christmas Eve

Austin with his new scooter on Christmas Day

Bill showing off his new ride

Emma helping Bill on Christmas morning

Austin getting a new video game from Joon and Melissa

Bill working his exer-saucer

Alex doing the same in his exer-saucer

Melissa and Melanie trying to figure out another kiddie toy

Bill on his first trip to North Carolina, visiting Grand Molly

Bill and Aunt Nancy in Pinehurst, NC

Uncle Dan and Bill in Pinehurst

Bill visiting his Grandpa in Pinehurst!