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Pictures from Billy's Latest Birthday Party

Billy is ready for his latest party!

Everyone always gathers in the kitchen when Nancy is cooking...

Alex is ready to eat

Billy is checking out his birthday cake

Cousin John can't wait to get a picture taken!

John and Billy are trying to avoid dinner and get right to the cake

Emma will make sure they eat some real food!

He gets more presents...

Cooper and Kevin are helping put the Sit N Spin together...

It was a big hit with all the little boys!

A superhero stopped by...

At least he had all the poses down!

He was smooth with all the ladies

Dave, Roger and Doug were impressed

We have no idea what happened to Doug!

Billy is getting his cake ready

Nancy did a great job again...

Alex certainly approves!

So does Nancy Watts and Melanie

Billy does not like to stop eating cake to take pictures...

Nancy and Kyle

Ann, Kyle and Melanie

Cole (superhero), Ann and Austin