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Summer 2009

A view of the new dock addition, while the kids are ready to go on a raft ride...

Billy in the new "baby jail" section of the dock!

Cousin John is relaxing on the dock

Alex taking a call on the new dock phone.

Billy is wondering who's on the phone

Alex can finally relax after taking care of all the demands on his time!

Aunt Nancy and Billy

John is ready for the water!

Everyone relaxing on the dock

Dave Sundstrom is taking a break from his chores!

Billy likes to eat while hanging out at the dock, and that benefits the ducks...

The beautiful Melanie Birchler is ready for a jet ski run...

Bill and the proud parents!

Melanie and Bill in the boat

Floating in the pontoon boat

Melanie taking billy for some quality time in the water.

Ann has Alex in for a swim

Floating and having fun...

Emma is the spotter for the rafting run.

The gang wants to do more rafting!

Bill eating his sandwich, and yes he will finish it...

Bill doesn't like to be interrupted for photos while eating.

Carlee Murphy modeling the new BBI can coozies!

Now Carlee is modeling her birthday cake.

Roger and Mitzi after a hard day at the lake.

The dock now has awesome tunes and air conditioning, thanks to BBI management Dave Sundstrom and Roger Randall

Austin is trying to catch the big one!

Billy's Great Aunt Sheila Boone came to visit this summer.

Billy would rather be eating than taking another picture...

Billy's Great Uncles Kevin Flynn and Michael Boone

Melanie Birchler and Melanie Flynn, what are the chances of that???