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Billy at 20 Weeks

He loves hanging out in his bathing suit!

He even has his own logo!

Austin and Billy on the dock

He is passed out after a long day

He gets some (somewhat) solid food now...


Billy at 16 Weeks

Emma feeding Billy

Emma and Melanie with Billy

Billy napping down at the lake

Billy with Kyle Watts at the lake

Billy at the dock with Roger and Ann

Tom with Billy

Check out the outfit!

Billy at the dock

Just look at that face...

Melanie and Billy at the dock

He's wearing the colors!

Relaxing on the pontoon boat

Passed out after chugging a bottle

He's back in action after a nap

He loves being out on the water with his bathing suit on!

More fun in the sun

Relaxing in front of the TV

He is now done for the night, time for SportsCenter

Billy and Ann hanging out at the house


Billy at 8 Weeks

Bill with his father and grandfather!

Here is a good close up

He loves to eat!

He is getting real good at burping!

He is awake a lot more these days.

Melanie is training Melissa on baby stuff...

Melissa will have one of her own soon!

Bill with his Uncle Roger

Time for Bill to relax after all the family festivities

Bill recharging so he can get up in the middle of the night!



Billy at Three Weeks

Bill checking out the big bed

Bill and Emma taking a nap

Bill with his giant OSU blanket!

Aunt Ann and Billy

Melanie, Ann and Austin with Billy

Austin and Aunt Mitzi with Billy

Emma and Billy sleeping again

All the kids are wiped out after a long day

Emma is finally awake...

A Close-up

Bill and Austin

Billy and his Nana

Melanie, Austin and Bill

Another Close-up!

Bill often tires of getting his picture taken.


Billy's Birthday Pictures

Billy's first good cry!

In this one he looks like his Grandpa Al!

Bill's Uncle Randy meets him for the first time

Billy and his sister Melissa

Mommy and the baby

Another one of Melanie and Bill

Daddy and baby Bill

Bill's first Doctor appointment.

Billy and his big brother Austin

Austin showing Billy his missing tooth!